Min egen poesi (kommentera gärna)


Where are you
What do you do, right this moment when I think of you
Im so lonenly
Im feeling lost
My soul is lost
Im incomplete
How can I prove it
What do I have to do
How do I deserve you
Im feeling emty
Im just a half
My heart is shouting out
Shouting out for love
Your love


How can I reach to you
You're so far away
So far that everything seems impossible
We're made for eachother and I wait for faith
For the miracle that gonna bring us togheter
.... If there is one
I believe it is, I belive it so bad
I know you do to.. Or I have to believe that
Coz if I want something so bad
I think I'll have it.. at least
I do hope so
I need that
I need you


So here I go again
Back to the beginning
Forgetting all that's behind me..
Im proud and feeling strong
This time nothing can go wrong
I hope Im right
I know I've learned from my mistakes
The payment was the lost of you
Even If I never had you
The lost of you made me feel like there's no end
No end with you or without you

Then suddenly I realized...
Im there again

Why is it always like this..
What's the meaning of it
What have I've done
All Im doing is trying
Is that so wrong
Why is it so hard
Im just searching
Searching for it
That's the only thing that mean anything
The only thing I want
The only thing I need
Is it really so much to ask


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